Wednesday, February 17, 2010

buddhism; science of mind


i sit, the playground
empties, both
laughter and sobs
as swings
as thoughts
settle to stillness

i sit, next the winds
unruly bastards
take their cue
the swirl of leaves,
litter, junk of years
of seeing all through
and theories
past and worries of
yet to come
settle, like bits of apple
in juice, red
apples leaving
a brilliant golden
clarity of mind as

i sit,

(and now
it is time
to leave the
to itself)


division of labour
we have created these
which divide
and consume us
for we have lost
sight of the
heavens and the
blue sky


all is impermanent
see clearly
cherish deeply
not clinging
just being
ever smiling


any moment
right moment

just be

and all becomes


when no purpose
all is perfect
no better
no worse
just is


bigger problem
lesser thinking
just hold in mindfulness
let being be


all is impermanent
fleeting apperances
folds in a bedsheet
look deeply
into the heart of things
entrust acts to being


what meaning is the sunrise
everything, yet nothing
giver to all
taker of none


rich is the one
who loses
all possessions
all health
all family, and
at death
laughs, with deep
contentment and
at the close of a great comedy


miracle is
that i see
hear taste
eternity in every instant


the higher the deeper
the roots,
the mean is kept


buddha enlightened,
[             ] no more


gods we create
cut and polish
with great fervour
slave, to the reflection
of the vanity of self


let it not begin,
this chasing
fitting societies
mould of another
for it'll never


know thyself
and know
that you are
complete, as
you'll ever be

all else are
medals, which
pinned to your
return to dust


learn with being
respond with being
mind as mirror


open, calm
open, heal
open, abide


be open,
a step behind
the anger, which
is of mind
not being


most of us have
never known ourselves
we lost who we are
in this whole
of growing up
of being educated
boxed and hemmed in
ever chasing this
ghost of achievement -
personal, mind you
- of progress, we
realise not that
layer upon
layer of ego
was lacquered
within which we
have wilted

let settle,
strive not for

allow these coats
of man
to melt away


read for insight,
never accumulate
see, through your
own eyes,
inspired by the
experiences of others
but your path
is your own,
unique, and from the start


throw your being
into the world
melt into all
as all melts into you


what is right for you
depends on you
so know yourself
to know what is right


basis of being


how many years have
i lost in concepts,
in purpose,
in chasing the future
never living in the present
thus never living at all?


if one has
then one can give
if one has none to give
then to give
is to pretend
only in hope of

two souls in a dance
of want
fulfils none


the gap


the root of the ego
is the want to impress
to seek
from all around


being the moment
clear expansive awareness
crisp cool breeze
rising, lightness of being
the beautiful breath
clarity and vibrancy
of colours and sound
full with life, energy
of the moment
give thanks

you are home


reality is illusion
illusion is the
transitorily existent
empty of permanent

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